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What is Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems?


Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems are advanced energy technologies that stock thermal energy - in insulated tanks and vessels aptly called Accumulators - by heating or cooling a storage medium so that the stored energy can be used at a later time for heating and cooling applications, and for power generation.

On the surface, TES systems are quite basic ideas, i.e., thermodynamic laws. Energy is stored as heat or cold in some form of medium for future use. However, delving further into the options and applications for TES  systems reveals a much more complex picture. TES Systems have enormous potential to facilitate more effective use of expensive thermal equipment to bring down the operating cost of big energy users. Also,  TES methods and tools can be used to address environmental impact issues related to non and renewable sources of energy extraction and utilization/generation, and energy conservation opportunities that can help achieve significant energy savings.

In short, TES  Systems are considered to be the most efficient method for correcting the mismatch that sometimes occur between the supply and demand of energy. Also, as the global energy mix in the developed world veers away from traditional baseload forms of generation, TES Systems provides an opening for renewables to fill the void. 

The Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems that are widely used in the building, manufacturing and other industries and the power sector are the following: 


      Sensible Heat Storage

      Latent Heat Storage

      Reversible Chemical Storage/Thermochemical Storage


From the three main types of TES systems, only one of which has significant commercial availability in the power sector. Compared to the other options, sensible heat storage is relatively inexpensive and much less complicated. Latent energy storage and thermal-chemical storage systems are expensive and as of yet mostly experimental.


What is our experience and vision relative to TES  Systems Accumulators Design and Construction?


STI Tanks Australia has been involved in several occasions in the design and construction of bolted steel sheet module chilled-water TES Accumulators.


STI Tanks Australia is open and interested in any form of collaborative R & D for cost-effective and highly efficient bolted steel sheet module TES Accumulators with TES  Systems Developers for both the hot and cold TES Systems.


Our multidisciplinary engineering team is composed of highly  skilled structural, civil, mechanical, metallurgical, mechatronics, corrosion, and chemical engineers and are proficient in the use of simulation, structural, animation, and CAD software like Ansys, Autodesk Simulation, Mathworks, Solidworks, Space Gass, Staad Pro, SAP 2000, Autodesk Revit, Tekla Structures, and Autodesk 3D max/Maya.  Lastly, our preferred material of construction for our TES accumulators is High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) and other low carbon alloy steel like SS304L / SS316L  sheeting-either bolted or welded in construction.


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